Julie McBride and Judy Yin-Chi Lee
I don’t ever want to have a conversation ever again where it’s like. . . we really have to hire at least one woman. No! There’s so many capable and ready women.
I don’t ever want to have a conversation ever again where it’s like. . . we really have to hire at least one woman. No! There’s so many capable and ready women.
To play with the great Steve Witser and Joe Alessi that summer in Colorado was pretty special.
Dizzy once told me he liked the way I played. . . I said could you write that down?!
Seeing live music is an integral part of the way we internalize the process of playing music.
Soloing in front of a thousand people at the Monterey Jazz Festival . . . are you kidding me? On the French horn??
When Tony Bennett and I (John Bunch) heard you warming up, we thought we had made the biggest mistake of our lives!
Someone asked David Baker in an improv class if he thought any of us would make it in New York. David answered . . . make it in New York? Just find a way to stay in New York.
Having real musicians and real orchestras is part of bringing the human experience to the theater. You want to go to a baseball game and see a pitching machine that can be turned up fast enough to strike everybody out? What kind of human experience is that?? It’s NOTHING!
Musically, playing with Frank Sinatra might still be the highlight of my life.