Samantha Lane and Alexis Smith
World domination for brass is my goal within 10 years.
World domination for brass is my goal within 10 years.
When you communicate. . . make it easy for someone to call you for a gig.
To hear Clifford Brown two years after you start playing the trumpet in Montana was pretty eye opening . . . to say the least!
It boils down to playing music, talking about music, listening to music.
Playing with the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra is definitely one of the highlights of my life.
In those days, the only people listed on the album were the rhythm section guys. For a year or more (after recording the flugelhorn solo on Paul McCartney’s Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey), I was the most famous unknown trumpet player in the world.
To me, Pat Metheny is without question the most important artist in jazz of our lifetime.
Unless you come to town playing like Ryan Kisor, Greg Gisbert or Nicholas Payton, you need to have a work ethic. Your work ethic has to be on point.
With opera cues, you don’t have to count everything. It’ll be like 85 bars rest, 144 bars rest and then ‘canon explosion.’ That’s a pretty obvious cue.
It’s like looking at the Dead Sea Scrolls when you look at the paper with Thad Jones hand.